Thursday, October 30, 2008


I just got around to looking at this week's Sunday Secrets. There's usually one or two postcards that hit home each week for various reasons...this one hit me like a ton of bricks.

I pray that this will not be me but am so afraid I will end up feeling the same way.


Amy said...

I will have to say, that even though I didnt go through what you did, most of my family is divorced, and it is one of my biggest fears--to be single at 40 or so.... I look at my mom who is going to be 50 and single, and it scares the be-jesus outta me!!!

leah @maritalbless said...

I've mentioned it before, but feel it's worth mentioning again that I'm so much a realist, I had to abandon myself to hope. It's such a contradiction, but the only way I can voice how I managed to bring myself to marriage after my parents.

Here's my take, from what you've shared, you KNEW Jenn and you will NOT allow yourself that pain again. You have shown so much strength I doubt that a guy would be able to knock your socks off in a way that you would forget those lessons already felt let alone learned.